Shaping Healthy Workplaces – Entrpreneurs Drive Workplace Well-being

Learn from top entrepreneurs how to integrate well-being into your business strategy, enhancing employee satisfaction and performance. 

The conversation around workplace well-being is strongly focused on tangible perks: free lunches, nap pods, and in-office gyms. While these benefits are definitely appealing, it might be prudent to consider a deeper truth that emerged from the Hawthorne Experiments. This series of groundbreaking experiments were conducted in the 1920s and 30s at the Hawthorne Works factory in Illinois, Chicago.

These studies, initially designed to explore the impact of lighting on worker productivity, revealed a surprising twist. Regardless of whether the lighting increased or decreased, productivity went up. The key takeaway wasn’t about the lighting itself, but rather the psychological effect of being observed and having their well-being considered by management.

This discovery, now known as the Hawthorne effect, highlights a crucial aspect of workplace well-being: employees respond positively to the knowledge that management cares. It’s not just about the specific initiatives, but the perception of being valued that fuels motivation and engagement.

This blog delves into this concept, exploring how entrepreneurs can cultivate a thriving work environment that prioritises not just physical comfort, but also the mental and emotional well-being of their employees. We’ll explore strategies that go beyond beanbags and ping pong tables, fostering a culture where employees feel genuinely supported and valued.

By prioritising well-being, entrepreneurs cultivate a powerful force for innovation and success.


The importance of well-being in the workplace

While a healthy workplace offers numerous advantages, it’s no longer a ‘nice-to-have’. It’s a fundamental requirement for businesses, especially those seeking long-term success. A growing body of research consistently demonstrates a clear link between both physical and mental health and a company’s overall performance.

Prioritising employee well-being is a win-win. Studies consistently show that healthier employees are demonstrably more productive, missing fewer workdays. For example, research by Medibank Private found a stark difference: the most unhealthy workers logged only 49 effective hours per month compared to a staggering 143 for the healthiest. 

Mental health is equally crucial. According to Beyond Blue, mental health issues cost Australian workplaces an estimated AUD 17.9 billion per year due to absenteeism, reduced productivity, and compensation claims.

These figures highlight the importance of prioritising employee well-being – not just for ethical reasons, but also for the bottom line.


The well-being equation

Solid evidence links employee well-being, including both physical and mental health, to superior business performance. Here’s how:

Physical health and productivity

Research consistently shows a clear correlation.  For example, Safe Work Australia found that healthy employees miss far fewer workdays – averaging 5.2 sick days per year compared to 9.3 for those in poor health.

Mental health matters

The World Health Organisation defines health not merely as the absence of disease but as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Mental health issues, which are a significant concern impacting millions of Australians each year, can lead to decreased employee engagement, higher turnover rates, and increased absenteeism within a company.


Entrepreneurs: Champions of well-being 

Entrepreneurs hold a unique position to influence both employee well-being and business success. Investing in health and wellness programs can significantly enhance team well-being and productivity. 

Programs that pay off

Companies implementing comprehensive health and wellness programs often see positive returns. Take Canva, for instance, whose holistic wellness programme incorporates on-site yoga, mental health resources and flexible work arrangements, fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Leadership by example

Entrepreneurs who prioritise their own health and actively promote wellness initiatives inspire employees to adopt similar habits. This leadership style not only improves the company’s overall health profile but also boosts morale and loyalty.


Why mental health matters 

Investing in employee well-being isn’t simply a feel-good initiative; it’s a strategic investment that boosts profits and organisational health. A focus on well-being translates directly to a healthier bottom line. 


Empowering well-being: Entrepreneurial strategies

Forget relying solely on perks like ping-pong tables and nap pods. True workplace well-being requires a strategic approach. Here’s how entrepreneurs can cultivate a thriving environment that prioritises employee health and happiness:

Lead the change

The influence of an entrepreneur’s health habits on their team is undeniable. Prioritising their personal well-being sets the tone for a healthy team. As Vishen Lakhiani, a company culture thought leader, emphasises, “Health magnifies wealth.”

Cultivate a ‘Well work-life’

Promote work-life balance and well-being by offering flexible work arrangements, subsidising gym memberships, and hosting wellness programs.

Destigmatise mental health

Encourage mental health days and open conversations about well-being. Sherry Walling of Zenfounder suggests the same: “Education and conversation around mental health need to happen in every place where entrepreneurs are gathering.”

Embrace innovative wellness

Offer innovative wellness options to keep your team engaged. Provide ergonomic solutions like standing desks, and organise health-focused activities like workshops or team hikes.

By adopting these strategies, entrepreneurs can foster a workplace culture where well-being isn’t just an added benefit, but a fundamental pillar. This proactive approach, combined with creative perks that cater to employee needs, not only enhances employee satisfaction and retention but also contributes significantly to the business’s overall success and sustainability.


Case studies of entrepreneurial success in employee well-being

These case studies illustrate how entrepreneur-led businesses have successfully integrated employee well-being into their operational ethos, setting a benchmark for company culture and employee engagement.

Build-A-Bear workshop

Known for creating a uniquely engaging work environment, the company offers its employees an array of unique perks that contribute to a fun and motivating atmosphere.

Founded by: Maxine Clark 

Key initiatives:

  • On-site nap pods: Encouraging rest and relaxation to boost productivity and creativity.
  • Employee discounts: Enhancing employee satisfaction and loyalty through discounts on merchandise.
  • Employee recognition programs: Regularly acknowledging employee efforts to maintain high morale and motivation.

Warby Parker

As an eyewear company, Warby Parker stands out not only for its products but also for its quirky and caring company culture.

Founded by: Four Wharton graduates

Key initiatives:

  • Unlimited paid time off: Empowering employees with the flexibility to balance work and personal life.
  • Extended parental leave: Offering comprehensive support to new parents, well beyond standard policies.
  • Work-life balance: Focusing on employee happiness, translates to high satisfaction and low turnover rates.


More than a clothing brand, Patagonia is a pioneer in environmental and social responsibility, integrating these core values into every aspect of its operations.

Founded by: Yvon Chouinard

Key Initiatives:

  • Onsite childcare: Providing support for working parents with top-tier childcare services.
  • Environmental activism: Encouraging employees to engage with environmental causes, reinforcing the company’s mission.
  • Development programmes: Offering extensive training and development opportunities that promote personal and professional growth.

Culture Amp

As a people analytics platform, this company practices what it preaches by maintaining a transparent and supportive company culture.

Founded by: Robert Reichek and Didier Elzinga 

Key Initiatives:

  • Flexible work arrangements: Allowing employees to work in ways that suit their personal needs and life circumstances.
  • Generous parental leave: Providing substantial support to parents in the company.
  • Emphasis on professional development: Committing to the continuous growth and well-being of every team member.

These case studies across various industries and different parts of the world illustrate the significant impact that entrepreneurial leadership can have on enhancing workplace well-being and setting a high standard for company culture. These examples can inspire other entrepreneurs to prioritise and innovate in employee well-being.


Overcoming challenges in enhancing workplace well-being 

The benefits of prioritising health and well-being in the workplace are clear. But the path to implementing these initiatives can be challenging. Entrepreneurs face unique hurdles not only in their personal lives but also in fostering a culture that supports these values within their companies. Here are some less obvious but significant obstacles and innovative strategies to overcome them.

Common Obstacles 

Personal time constraints

Entrepreneurs often struggle with balancing the demands of their business with personal health due to time constraints. This can lead to neglecting their own well-being, which paradoxically can impair their ability to lead effectively.

Cultural misalignment

In some cases, the existing company culture may not align with health-centric values. This misalignment can show up as scepticism or resistance from employees, particularly if they perceive these initiatives as superficial or unrelated to their core work.

Inconsistent engagement

Even with the best-laid plans, initial enthusiasm for health programs can wane over time. Sustaining engagement is a common challenge, particularly in diverse teams with varying health needs and interests.

Strategies for overcoming these challenges 

Integrating health into business goals

One effective strategy is to integrate personal and employee health goals with broader business objectives. For instance, linking team wellness metrics to productivity targets can help embed these initiatives into the company’s core operations, making them feel more relevant and essential.

Building on small successes

Instead of rolling out large-scale health programs from the start, entrepreneurs can focus on smaller, manageable changes that gradually build momentum. Simple steps like organising regular health discussions, short group exercises during breaks, or healthy snacks in the office can set the groundwork for more extensive programs later.

Personalising wellness approaches

Acknowledging that one size does not fit all is crucial in sustaining engagement. Offering customisable wellness plans or allowing employees to choose their preferred wellness activities can increase personal relevance and commitment. Surveys and feedback sessions can help tailor initiatives to better meet the diverse needs of the team.

Leading by authentic example

Entrepreneurs must go beyond token gestures and genuinely embody the wellness practices they promote. This involves openly discussing their own challenges and successes in maintaining health, to encourage an open and supportive culture. Sharing personal stories or struggles with work-life balance, for example, can make leaders more relatable and encourage others to share and engage with wellness programs more openly.

Leveraging technology and partnerships

Utilising technology to track and share health metrics can make wellness efforts more tangible and data-driven. Additionally, partnerships with local gyms, health experts, or wellness start-ups can provide resources and external motivation for maintaining the momentum of health initiatives.

By implementing thoughtful, tailored strategies, entrepreneurs can effectively foster a health-centric culture, boosting productivity and engagement. These approaches emphasise the need for adaptability and commitment in integrating well-being into business strategy.


Beyond beanbags: building a culture of well-being and innovation 

Entrepreneurial success goes beyond just ping-pong tables and gym memberships. It’s about prioritising employee well-being and fundamentally transforming how we view work’s impact on our lives. Entrepreneurs have a unique opportunity – and responsibility – to champion a healthier, more innovative future for business culture globally.

While implementing wellness initiatives requires effort, the rewards are transformative. Entrepreneurs can weave well-being into the DNA of their companies, fostering environments where creativity thrives, ideas flourish, and employees feel genuinely excited to come to work. This sets new standards for what it means to be a successful, modern business.


Key takeaways 

The strength of your business lies not only in profits but in the well-being of your people. As the saying goes, “A healthy mind resides in a healthy body.” This wisdom holds true for organisations, empowering innovation and excellence.

By leading with empathy, demonstrating commitment to well-being, and overcoming obstacles, entrepreneurs can inspire a shift towards holistic business practices. This is essential in today’s blurred work-life environment. Businesses that champion employee health pave the way for a brighter future.

Embrace this challenge. Let your thriving business exemplify the transformative power of prioritising employee well-being. Because as that singular entrepreneur, Richard Branson, so beautifully stated,

“If you look after your people, they will look after your customers. It’s that simple”.

If you would like to chat further about how to shape a healthy workplace, book in a free 30-minute consultation here.

Productivity strategies for businesses

Explore how strategic strategic people management and technology can boost productivity and ensure sustainable growth for businesses.

If you heard that Australia had a record surge in employment, you’d automatically expect increased productivity. Right? 

Well, shockingly, this isn’t the state of our economy. Despite an unprecedented 6.9% increase in hours worked in the financial year 2022-23, productivity across the board actually fell by 3.7%. This counterintuitive scenario, detailed in the Productivity Commission’s latest report, underscores a troubling disconnect: more Australians are working longer hours than ever, yet the nation’s overall output isn’t keeping up.

This alarming trend raises critical questions and this blog addresses how businesses and policymakers can shift from merely increasing workforce numbers to improving the efficiency and productivity of our work processes. This change sets the stage for a stronger and more sustainable economy, the nature of work and efficiency in Australia. Alex Robson, the Commission’s Deputy Chair, while assessing the statistics and trends explains, “Australians’ incomes grew in 2022-23, mostly because they worked more hours. But productivity growth is about working smarter, not working harder or longer.” This revelation is a wake-up call that challenges us to rethink our approach to workforce management and economic growth. 

The key issue here is not just the increase in labour but the effectiveness of that labour. With the labour market participation near record highs and minimal growth in wages relative to inflation, the real concern becomes evident: without genuine productivity improvements, we can’t sustain long-term wage growth or control inflation effectively. 

The disconnect between increased labour and productivity

The recent insights from the Productivity Commission are indeed troubling. The discrepancy between the increased hours worked and decreased productivity underscores a critical challenge: simply increasing labour hours does not necessarily equate to improved output or efficiency. 

The impact of insufficient investment:

A significant contributor to this productivity shortfall is the inadequate investment in capital resources necessary to support a growing workforce. The capital-to-labour ratio, a key indicator of how much is being invested in tools and equipment per worker, experienced a sharp decrease of 4.9% over the last year. This decline shows that although more people are employed, companies haven’t invested proportionately in the tools, technology and training needed to enhance productivity.  

The consequences of overlooked efficiency:

The urgency to fill job vacancies has often resulted in hiring practices that favour quantity over quality. Many of these positions are in sectors like retail and hospitality, which are typically associated with lower productivity levels. In addition, incorporating less experienced or less productive labour into the workforce without adequate support or training dilutes the overall effectiveness of the workforce.

Refocusing on quality and efficiency:

To counteract these trends, businesses must shift their focus. Rather than merely increasing headcount, they should aim to enhance the productivity of each work hour. This requires a strategic revision of resource allocation, technology integration, and employee engagement.

Investing in people and technology:

For sustainable growth, it is essential that companies increase their investments in both human capital and technological resources. Equipping employees with the appropriate tools and ensuring they have the skills and training to use these resources effectively are crucial steps. Emphasising continuous learning and adaptability is crucial to keep pace with technological advancements and evolving market demands.

Creating a culture of efficiency:

Leadership plays a crucial role in creating a workplace culture that values and actively pursues efficiency. This involves setting clear expectations, offering consistent feedback, and promoting innovation and problem-solving across all levels of the business. A culture that prioritises process and workflow optimisation can significantly boost overall productivity. 


The crucial role of effective people management

Understanding the disconnect between lower productivity despite an increased workforce sets the basis towards understanding the inefficiencies within Australia’s workforce. Let’s examine how strategic people management can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth. 

Effective management is a crucial factor in maximising our workforce’s potential and reversing the trend of declining productivity. Let’s look at how focused human resource strategies can transform productivity outcomes and have a positive impact on long-term economic growth. 

Identifying and addressing skill gaps:

Skill gaps in the workforce can significantly hamper productivity. Identifying these gaps through regular assessments and feedback allows businesses to pinpoint specific areas where training is needed. Implementing targeted training programs to close these gaps, both boosts individual employee performance and enhances overall business efficiency.

Strategic recruitment practices:

Recruitment practices have a big influence on productivity. By adopting a more strategic approach to hiring, businesses can ensure they attract candidates who closely fit the job requirements and the culture and ethos of the company. This involves a thorough understanding of the role’s demands and a careful evaluation of how candidates’ skills and experiences align with those needs.

Enhancing employee engagement:

Engaged employees are more likely to be productive. Strategies to increase engagement can include clear and transparent communication, recognition programs, and opportunities for career development. Ensuring that employees feel valued and understood can lead to increased satisfaction and motivation, which are crucial for maintaining productivity.

Optimising workforce management:

Effective people management isn’t just about overseeing employees; it requires a dynamic approach to managing their workloads, providing support, and encouraging a positive work environment. Techniques such as flexible working conditions, better resource allocation, and supportive leadership can help maintain high levels of productivity by creating an environment where employees can thrive.

Measuring and enhancing performance:

Regular performance reviews are essential to provide feedback and also to set future goals. Utilising performance metrics aligned with business objectives can help managers understand individual contributions to the company’s productivity. This also allows for the adjustment of strategies in real-time to address any emerging challenges.

By focusing on these areas, businesses can develop a more capable, engaged, and efficiently managed workforce, which is key to reversing the trend of declining productivity. Strategic people management not only addresses immediate productivity concerns but also builds a foundation for sustained growth and competitiveness.

Innovative work practices and technologies 

As important as effective people management is the need for businesses to embrace innovative work practices and technologies. This approach complements the strategic management of human resources and also moves businesses towards operation excellence. Here are a few examples of how companies can boost productivity and remain competitive. 

Adopting flexible work arrangements:

Offering flexible work arrangements to employees can enhance employee satisfaction and reduce burnout, thus increasing productivity. Businesses can implement various forms of flexibility such as remote working, flexible hours and condensed workweeks. 

For example, allowing employees to choose their working hours or work from home for part of the week could improve employees’ work-life balance, decrease absenteeism and turnover rates. 

Implementing collaborative technologies: 

When considering or managing hybrid or fully remote settings, effective collaboration technologies are crucial for enhanced communication and project management within the various teams. 

For example, companies can significantly reduce time wasted on miscommunication and inefficient processes by asking their teams to use tools like Slack for communication, Asana for task management and Google Workspace for document management and collaboration.

Harnessing the power of AI and ML:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) offer powerful opportunities for automating routine tasks and optimising business processes. 

For example, businesses can make use of AI-driven chatbots to handle routine inquiries and frequently asked questions (FAQs). This allows their human staff to focus on more complex customer issues or other value-added services. 

Emphasising sustainable practices:

Incorporating sustainable practices into business operations can lead to significant efficiency improvements. 

For example, transitioning to digital documentation reduces paper use, speeds up information retrieval and cuts costs. 

Utilising analytics for better decision making: 

Data analytics help businesses to better understand their operations, customer satisfaction and overall performance. Simple, user-friendly analytics tools can help businesses measure and understand performance across various aspects of their business, from sales and marketing to customer engagement and operational efficiency.

For example, service companies can use data analytics to identify bottlenecks, thus helping them to reorganise their teams and improve customer service response times.  

These innovative work practices and technologies help businesses enhance their productivity and also align themselves with modern business standards. These strategies help create a proactive, efficient, and sustainable business environment.


Evaluating and adapting business strategies

To maintain productivity and drive growth, businesses must not only implement but also continuously evaluate and adapt their strategies. This approach ensures that operations meet internal objectives and are also aligned with market conditions. 

Here’s how businesses can integrate continuous strategy evaluation into their operations for sustained success.

Continuous evaluation of performance:

Regularly monitoring and assessing business strategies is essential to confirm their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Using real-time data analysis and performance metrics allows businesses to make informed decisions quickly. For example, using analytics to track customer engagement and sales performance can help businesses understand the impact of a new marketing strategy or product launch.

Incorporating feedback loops:

Feedback is a critical component of strategy adaptation. Establishing effective feedback mechanisms from all stakeholders – employees, customers and suppliers – helps businesses remain responsive to needs and expectations. This could be as simple as regular customer satisfaction surveys or as involved as a monthly review meeting with key clients or a digital platform for employee suggestions. These feedback loops help companies to stay connected to their community and to iterate on their services or products effectively.

The role of leadership in strategic adaption: 

Leadership is vital in navigating through strategic changes. Leaders must help create an environment where flexibility and adaptability are part of the business culture. This requires clear communication about the reasons for changes, expected outcomes, and how these adjustments align with the broader business goals. Leaders should encourage a mindset among employees that views feedback and change positively, as opportunities for personal and business growth.

Learning from real-world applications:

Drawing on real-world examples from businesses that have successfully adapted their strategies can provide valuable insights. Companies like Toyota have long been recognised for their continuous improvement processes, where constant incremental changes are made to processes and production techniques to enhance quality and efficiency. Similarly, many tech companies continuously update their software products based on user feedback to enhance functionality and user experience.


A call to action for a more productive future 

The data is out there, the signs are clear. Even with a bigger workforce, despite more people being hired, our productivity isn’t keeping pace. The findings from the Productivity Commission are clear – simply adding more hours or people isn’t the answer. Instead, we need to make every hour count by enhancing how we manage our teams and integrate technology.

As we’ve seen, boosting productivity involves much more than just increasing labour. It’s about smarter management, leveraging the right technology, and cultivating a workplace culture that values continual improvement and efficiency. From flexible work arrangements to adopting new tech tools, these aren’t just ideas but practical steps that any business, big or small, can start implementing to see real results.

In today’s economy, staying static isn’t an option. We need to be proactive, not just in responding to changes but in anticipating them. This means continually re-evaluating and refining our strategies to ensure they align with both our team’s needs and market dynamics.

It’s time for business leaders and policymakers to take these insights and turn them into action. The roadmap to reversing our productivity slump is clear – invest in our people, embrace technology, and keep adapting. By committing to these strategies, we can transform these challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth, ensuring a resilient and thriving future for Australian businesses.


Let’s not just aim to meet the standards but set new ones. Here’s to building a more efficient, dynamic, and competitive Australian economy.

If you would like to chat further about how you can increase productivity and review technology, book in a free 30-minute consultation here.

Gratitude as a strength: the magic of accepting compliments

Discover how embracing praise can make a positive impact on your mental health. Learn to accept compliments and boost your self-esteem. 

Let’s play a quick game

  1. You’re out at a party and the host says “You look stunning!”

You respond with:

       A. “Oh! You must be going blind”

       B. Stop it…”

       C. “Thank you.”


       2. You meet your first boss and she says “You’re doing brilliantly! You’ve come a long way.”

You say:

      A. “Everyone says I’m born under a lucky star”

      B. “I have still so much to do”

      C. “I’m so glad to hear you say that. Thank you.”


      3. You wow everyone with a presentation at work and a colleague comments, “That was incredibly insightful! You really know your stuff.” 

You reply with:

A. “Oh, I just threw some slides together last minute.”

B. “I guess I got lucky this time.”

C. “Thanks so much! I’m glad you found it helpful.”


If you’ve chosen option c in all three scenarios above, congratulations! You are doing brilliantly! But most often, we women are so self-critical that accepting a compliment with grace can be surprisingly challenging. 

This seemingly small act, saying those two simple words “thank you” holds immense power, capable of transforming our mental health and boosting our self-esteem. Yet, so many of us struggle to get those words out. Instead, we opt to deflect or downplay the praise we receive. 

It’s time to explore why embracing compliments is essential for our well-being and how it can help build stronger self-acceptance and mental resilience. 


Why compliments feel good but can be hard to accept

Receiving a compliment can make us feel great for the whole day.

Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.”

Yet, acknowledging that compliment, accepting it with a simple “thank you’? That often feels as tough as solving a maths problem. And that’s because a lot is going on behind the scenes when someone says nice about you. 

Hearing good things about yourself should make you feel amazing. The warm, fuzzy feeling is partly due to your brain releasing a happy chemical called dopamine. This not only makes you feel great but also nudges you to keep doing whatever you do to earn that praise. 

But here’s the twist: Even though compliments are like mini cheerleaders for your self-esteem, you probably deflect them for the most part. Why? A lot has to do with how you’re raised and the mixed messages you get from all around. Societal norms dictate the need to be modest, not too proud, and always strive for more. So, when someone sends a compliment your way, it can feel like you’re suddenly put in the spotlight, and your first instinct is to step out of it.

But here’s a helpful tip – think of compliments as tiny gifts of words. They’re meant to be opened and enjoyed, not pushed away. They give you a peek at how others see you, shining a light on the good stuff you might not even notice about yourself. And isn’t it a joy to discover something positive you didn’t realise you had?

But, getting to the point where you can happily accept these word gifts takes a bit of practice. It’s about retraining your brain to understand that it’s okay to feel good about yourself and to see your own worth through others’ eyes.

You need to get comfortable with letting those positive vibes in and letting them lift you up. It’s simpler than it sounds, and with a little bit of practice, you can definitely get there.


Learning to accept the applause

In the words of author, Steve Goodier, “Sincere compliments cost nothing and can accomplish so much. In ANY relationship they are the applause that refreshes.” 

It’s one thing to understand that compliments are like secret boosts for your self-esteem. It’s also easy to acknowledge that accepting them can sometimes feel like trying to hug a cactus. But how do you get from awkwardly sidestepping praise to fully embracing it? It boils down to changing your mindset and practising until it feels natural.

It’s not bragging, it’s believing:

First up, let’s tackle the big myth: Accepting a compliment doesn’t mean you’re full of yourself. It means you’re starting to believe in your own worth, and that’s always a good thing. When someone says you did a great job, they’re not expecting you to disagree. They’re giving you a verbal high-five. Would you leave a high-five hanging? Probably not. So, why leave a compliment hanging in the air?

Practice makes perfect:

Like any skill, accepting compliments takes practice. Start by resisting the natural urge to downplay or deflect. The next time someone compliments you, try responding with a simple “Thank you.” That’s it. No “but” or “it was nothing” attached. Just “Thank you.” It might feel weird at first, but keep at it. Over time, it’ll start feeling more natural, and you’ll begin to see yourself in the positive light others see you.

Turn the compliment into a conversation:

If “Thank you” feels too short or inadequate, and you’re itching to say more, use the compliment as a springboard for a conversation. For example, if someone praises your presentation skills, you could say, “Thank you! I’ve been really working on them. Is there anything you think I could do even better next time?” This way, you’re accepting the compliment while staying engaged and open to growth.

Reflect on the praise:

After receiving a compliment, take a moment to reflect on it. Instead of brushing it off, think about what was said and how it makes you feel. This reflection can help reinforce your positive qualities in your own mind and gradually build your self-esteem.

Spread the love:

Getting comfortable with receiving compliments often makes you better at giving them too. When you start noticing the good in yourself, you’ll also start seeing it in others. Sharing genuine compliments can create a positive feedback loop, where everyone around you feels appreciated and valued.

Remember, you deserve it: 

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you deserve the compliments you receive. They’re not flukes or mistakes. They’re reflections of your hard work, talent, and the impact you have on others. Embracing them is not just about feeling good in the moment; it’s about building a foundation of self-worth that can carry you through challenges and successes alike.


Embracing compliments: a step towards loving yourself

Accepting compliments gracefully isn’t only about navigating social situations with elegance; it’s an act of self-love and affirmation. It’s a declaration that you see your worth and are ready to embrace the love and respect others offer you.

Beyond the ‘thank you’:

Understanding and practising the art of accepting compliments lays the groundwork for a healthier, more positive relationship with yourself. Each “thank you” you utter is a step away from self-doubt and toward self-assurance. But the journey doesn’t stop at simply accepting kind words; you need to internalise them – letting them take root in yourself, and allowing them to grow into a sturdy, unwavering self-esteem.

The mirror of reflection: 

Think of each compliment as a mirror, reflecting back at you the qualities and strengths you possess. This mirror doesn’t lie; it simply shows you what others see – the best parts of you. Allow yourself the grace to believe in this reflection, to accept it as your truth. It’s in this belief that the true transformation begins, transforming not just how you see yourself, but how you navigate the world around you.

A ripple effect:

When you start to accept compliments with grace and gratitude, you don’t just change yourself; you also change how others interact with you. Your acceptance encourages more open and positive interactions, creating a ripple effect of goodwill and appreciation. This isn’t just about making yourself feel good; it’s about encouraging an environment where kindness, appreciation, and positive reinforcement thrive.

Final words of envouragement:

Accepting a compliment, even with “thank you” is more than about being polite – it’s a powerful affirmation of your worth. Each compliment you receive is a gift, an offering of respect and admiration. Embrace it. Cherish it. Let it remind you of your value, especially in moments of doubt.

If you find yourself struggling to accept compliments, don’t be discouraged. Like any skill, it takes practice. Start small, remind yourself of your worth, and remember that it’s okay to feel proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. You are deserving of praise, not for perfection, but for the effort, the passion, and the uniqueness you bring into this world.


In closing 

Your journey through this exploration of compliments is much more than about learning to say “thank you.” It’s about recognising your value, allowing yourself to be seen, and, most importantly, seeing yourself through a lens of kindness and appreciation. 

As you step out into the world, carry with you the knowledge that you are worthy of every kind word, every note of praise, and every accolade that comes your way.

May you walk forward with your head held high, your heart open, and your ears ready to accept the beautiful truths others see in you. Remember, each step you take in accepting compliments is a step towards embracing your true self – flaws and all – with love and pride.


If you would like to chat further about how you can empower yourself and others through gratitude, book in a free 30-minute consultation here.

Beyond Physical Safety: Addressing Psychosocial Risks for a Thriving Workplace

The conversation around workplace safety has gone beyond tangible, physical risks to include mental and emotional health and well-being. We’ve recently been faced with the term ‘psychosocial hazards’ – a concept gaining ground, not just in occupational health discussions, but also in boardroom agendas across Australia. 

While traditional safety measures focus on preventing physical injuries, psychosocial hazards highlight the more subtle, yet equally detrimental, aspects of work life that can affect an individual’s health and wellbeing. 

They include a blend of both psychological and social elements in the workplace, extending from job design and work management to social interactions among colleagues. 

While these hazards might not always manifest as visible injuries, they can lead to significant stress, mental health issues and decreased productivity. And that’s crucial for businesses to understand. 

With a focus on this topic, we aim to shine a spotlight on these ‘silent stressors’, making a case for their recognition, understanding and proactive management in the workplace. 

Unpacking Psychosocial Hazards: The Categories Simplified

When we talk about workplace dangers, images of heavy machinery, electric risks, or physical strain might come to mind. However, psychosocial hazards, although less visible, can be just as harmful. 

They’re deeply intertwined with the way work is designed and managed and the interpersonal relationships within the workplace. 

To help businesses better understand these hazards, we’ve simplified them into three broader categories: 

1. Work Design and Management 

This category focuses on the tasks at hand, how they’re structured and the autonomy an employee has.

Job Demands: A balanced workload is essential for the well-being of employees. Extremes, whether too much work or too little of it, pose risks. For instance, an employee might face excessive demands during peak business seasons and then have minimal tasks during slower periods.

 An OECD study reported that on average about 13% of Australian employees work over 50 hours weekly, risking stress and fatigue. Conversely, too little work  can lead to disengagement or feelings of insignificance.

Low Job Control: Job satisfaction often depends on the control employees have over tasks. Low job control means workers can’t decide how or when they work. It’s different from having set tasks or structured job responsibilities; it’s about constantly feeling restricted.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that 38% of employees didn’t have authority over their work, which can reduce job satisfaction. Recognising and rectifying this hazard is crucial for maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce.

Lack of Role Clarity: The certainty and understanding of one’s role within an organisation are critical to effective job performance. When employees are unsure about their job description, their responsibilities, or the expectations set for them, it leads to a lack of role clarity. This isn’t just about occasionally facing complex tasks; the issue becomes hazardous when the ambiguity is extreme, consistent, or recurrent.

Inadequate Reward and Recognition: Job satisfaction is a fine balance between an employee’s efforts and the recognition they receive. This can range from awards to simple verbal praise. Overlooking recognition can become problematic if it’s a regular or long-standing issue.

Consistent employee recognition can lead to significant improvements in the workplace. Doubling the number of recognitions each week, can improve work quality by 24%, reduce absenteeism by 27%, and decrease staff turnover by 10%.

Poor Organisational Change Management: Change is inherent to organisational growth. But how that change is managed determines its success and the impact on the company’s workforce and productivity. 

A staggering 70% of change initiatives fail, often due to employee pushback and weak management. Poor organisational change management includes transitions that are haphazardly planned, communicated, supported, or executed. It isn’t about a decision that isn’t well-received. Poor change management becomes a significant psychosocial hazard when it’s notably flawed, sustained, or a regular occurrence.


2. Social and Organisational Context

This category focuses on the social fabric of a workplace, which plays a pivotal role in employee wellbeing.

Poor Support: Every individual relies on support systems within the workplace. These systems constitute the backbone of daily operations and overall job satisfaction. ‘Poor support’ goes beyond the inconvenience of waiting for a colleague to wrap up a meeting. It’s the persistent and profound lack of assistance from peers, supervisors, or even the deficiency of resources required for efficient job performance.

When the lack of support becomes regular, acute, or sustained, it goes from being a mere inconvenience to a notable psychosocial hazard. The consequences are many – from declining morale to reduced productivity and increased turnover.

Poor Organisational Justice: ‘Organisational justice’ really boils down to fairness at work. It’s about how employees feel they’re treated by the company, its rules, and the bosses. It’s not just about small problems, like not getting the work shift you wanted. It’s about bigger issues where workers often feel ignored, unvalued or mistreated.

Recognising and addressing these issues of organisational justice is about cultivating a culture where every employee feels integral to the success of the organisation.

Conflict or Poor Relationships: Having a good working relationship with colleagues is key to a positive workplace. But sometimes, behaviours that hurt others creep in. These can range from:

  • Violence and Aggression: Physical or verbal acts that intimidate or harm.
  • Bullying: Repeated actions that make someone feel belittled or unsafe.
  • Harassment: This includes unwanted behaviours based on gender, race, age, ability, and other personal factors.
  • General Workplace Issues: Everyday conflicts or misunderstandings that spoil relationships and teamwork. 

It’s important to understand that we’re not talking about small, isolated incidents. It’s about serious behaviours that persistently disrupt the workplace and strain professional relationships.

Violence and Aggression: This refers to situations where an individual faces abuse, threats, or physical assaults while on the job. In addition to the immediate physical harm, the psychological impact can be long-lasting and severe, posing significant health and safety concerns.

Business owners must address and manage the risks associated with violence and aggression in the workplace. This responsibility extends not just to conflicts among employees but also involves interactions with external individuals, such as customers and clients. Ensuring a safe environment for all is paramount, and businesses must be proactive in mitigating these risks.

Bullying: Would it surprise you to know that almost half of all Australians will be bullied in some way? 

Workplace bullying is characterized by ongoing, unwarranted actions aimed at an individual or a group of workers. It’s not a simple disagreement or one-off incident; it’s a consistent pattern of behaviour that can deeply affect those on the receiving end. The consequences of bullying extend beyond emotional distress; it can also lead to tangible physical harm, elevating it to a critical health and safety concern.

Businesses are obligated to identify, address, and manage the threats associated with bullying in the workplace. Every employee has the right to a safe working environment, and businesses need to step up and ensure this protection.

Harassment (including Sexual Harassment): Harassment in the workplace, whether it’s based on gender, race, age, ability, or other personal factors, is a pressing concern. It creates an environment of fear, mistrust, and discomfort, affecting not only the targeted individuals but also those around them.

Workplace sexual harassment is particularly severe and unacceptable. It can manifest in various ways: some actions are blatant, while others might be more hidden or insidious. Whether it’s a repeated pattern or a single incident, the effects are profound. Such harassment traumatizes the direct victim and can also deeply affect those who witness it.

By addressing harassment head-on and fostering a culture of respect and safety, businesses not only comply with the law but also create a healthier, more productive work environment.


3. Work Environment and Conditions

This category focuses on the actual conditions and environments where work is performed. 

Remote or Isolated Work: Remote or isolated work refers to jobs where employees are separated from the help or company of others due to the location, timing, or the kind of task they’re performing. This type of work might involve extensive travel, limited resources, or sparse communication options. It poses unique challenges, demanding both workers and employers to adapt and ensure safety and efficiency.

Poor Physical Environment: A poor physical environment at work refers to situations where workers consistently face unpleasant, substandard, or even dangerous situations. This could be anything from poor lighting and ventilation to exposure to harmful substances. 

When such conditions are extreme, persistent, or a regular occurrence, they transform from mere annoyances into significant psychosocial hazards. Addressing these issues is crucial for the well-being and safety of employees and their overall productivity and morale. 

Traumatic Events or Material: Being exposed to traumatic events or material at work refers to facing situations or content that deeply distress or shock. Whether it’s witnessing an unsettling incident, investigating a harrowing case, or consistently being exposed to disturbing materials, such experiences can have profound psychological impacts on workers.

Recognising and addressing the risks associated with such traumatic exposures is crucial. It safeguards the mental well-being of employees, ensuring they can work effectively and healthily.

Understanding these categories helps businesses take a holistic approach to identifying potential problems. It’s the first step in ensuring a healthier, more supportive, and productive work environment.

Why Should Busineses Care?

At its core, a business thrives on the well-being and productivity of its employees. Addressing psychosocial hazards isn’t merely about ticking off compliance boxes. It’s a strategic move towards creating a thriving, positive work environment. 

When businesses prioritise the mental and physical health of their employees, they directly boost workplace morale. This proactive approach not only curbs absenteeism but also reduces staff turnover, saving on recruitment costs and preserving organisational knowledge. 

Moreover, in an age where reputation is everything, a company known for its commitment to employee well-being stands out. It attracts top talent and earns respect in the marketplace. In essence, by addressing these risks, businesses are investing in their most valuable asset – their people.

Taking the Next Steps

Identifying psychosocial hazards is just the beginning. The true challenge lies in continuous vigilance and responsive action. Businesses should engage in regular evaluations to create a workplace that is not only safe but one that thrives. 

These assessments should be tailored to the unique dynamics of each workplace. Coupled with this, fostering open communication channels is vital. Encouraging employees to voice concerns or share experiences can unearth potential issues before they escalate. This dialogue builds trust and emphasises the organisation’s commitment to its workforce. 

Lastly, having proactive measures in place – whether it’s training programs, mental health support, or clear policies – can pre-emptively address potential risks. By taking these steps, businesses are not just averting problems; they’re sculpting a culture of care and inclusivity.

If you would like to chat further about how you can ensure psychosocial safety  in your workplace, book in a free 30-minute consultation here.

Staff retention is one of greatest challenges we face in business today. Ineffective communication is a primary cause of employee turnover. Developing clear lines of communication throughout a business will improve employee engagement, leading to an increase in overall productivity, retention, creativity, and more effective client and supplier interactions.  

So, how do we, as leaders, successfully connect with our teams and keep them informed about our business activities through clear and purposeful communication? 

In our post-pandemic world, with so many people still working from home, it is crucial that all businesses understand how to effectively manage employee communication. Although every workplace has its unique challenges, there are important factors to consider that will help you improve communication with your team members. 

 An Informed Employee is an Engaged Employee 

When a team member understands what is going on, what is expected of them, and why, they become more:  

  • Closely involved with business updates 
  • Dedicated 
  • Loyal 
  • Productive 
  • Closely aligned with the overall strategy.  

Informed employees better understand their role within the business and are more able to execute their assigned tasks because they have access to the information they need, no matter where they are. 

Challenges to Workplace Communication 

There are many challenges to the creation and maintenance of effective written and verbal communication.  

These include:  

  • Inconsistency in communication  
  • Reliance on technology (no face-to-face communication) 
  • Assuming the audience understands the jargon 
  • Not listening to your team 
  • Not making communication a leadership function 

Consider your business – how do these five factors play out in your work environment? 

Don’t Assume that Everyone is Skillful in Communication 

Assuming that everyone in your workplace can communicate effectively is a damaging notion.  

Some leaders lack the capability to communicate well and are unable to help others express themselves. On the flipside, employees may feel awkward when they are asked to express opinions, especially in front of more senior staff. Also, some leaders simply may not have the skills to sensitively facilitate staff involvement. 

Communication Channels 

While all communication channels have their merits, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.  

You will need to consider the challenges of your particular business environment and explore what works best. It may take some trial and error – so be open to feedback and review what is, and isn’t, working, then make any necessary adjustments.   

Success in communication comes from knowing how to pass on different types of information to the members of your team. 

  • Reduce the number of communication channels: Making information available in one place (if possible) makes the process more manageable for everyone. The more places your team must look, the more frustrating it can be, and the more likely they are to miss something.  
  • Consider who you are talking to and the outcome you need to achieve: If you are communicating a quick update that is relevant to everyone, a mass email or intranet post may be fine. If you are announcing a major change, you may need to use a more targeted, hands-on approach.

Again, determining what best suits the needs of your business, staff, and relevant timeframes will help you work out the most effective way to share all necessary information with your team. 

Building Connection – Team Meetings 

Every business has its own team rhythm and ways of working. A well-organised plan of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual meetings helps to keep everyone aligned and accountable. 

  • Annual Planning Meeting (Owner and Senior Leaders): The purpose of the annual planning meeting is to align the team’s priorities for the year ahead to move the business closer to achieving their 3-5-year plan. 
  • Quarterly Meeting (Leaders): This is to determine how you will accomplish the annual plan and move the business forward. Generally held as a one-day meeting, the goal is to set up a road map for the next quarter that supports, focuses and motivates the team.  
  • Monthly Meeting (Leaders): A well-managed monthly management meeting should focus on learning, sharing and problem-solving. This provides a great opportunity to share the load and develop your upcoming business leaders in line with your succession plan. 
  • Weekly Meeting (Team): The weekly meeting keeps your team focused and accountable in execution of the priorities set out in your quarterly plan. 
  • Daily Huddle (Everyone): The daily huddle is a 5–15 minute catch up! This enables your entire team to be informed and aligned on the work that needs to be done. 

Communication through Difficult Conversations 

Difficult conversations are a normal part of life and need to be addressed in an open and constructive way. 

Many people put off uncomfortable conversations in the hope that the problem either fixes itself or disappears. This approach can have a damaging effect, particularly regarding how employees feel within their workplace. People want to feel heard, especially when they face uncertain circumstances such as created by the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Many employees have felt unsure about the direction of their workplace and worried about whether their roles will continue to exist. 

Preparation is the Key for Leaders and Managers 

Go into the meeting with a very clear understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. Before starting a difficult conversation, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Am I prepared? 
  • What information do I need from the employee? 
  • How do I think the employee will react?  
  • Do I have a clear understanding of the problem and outcome I want to achieve from this conversation?  
  • What solutions can I propose to resolve the matter?  
  • What would I like the employee to feel and do? 

Taking the time to prepare fully for your meeting will help you define any underlying issues and ensure your communication is clear and concise. 

It’s important to have the right communication mechanisms in place to build relationships and impart knowledge of common goals, listen and engage with team members, and to manage any issues and emerging risks. Poorly executed communication can cause employees to endure an unsatisfactory work experience, leading to a whole host of problems with morale, productivity and, in some cases, customer satisfaction. By focusing on providing the best possible communication to employees, you will ensure your team stays well informed with everything they need to perform their jobs at the highest level.  

Do you have the necessary communication strategies in place to drive and maintain team accountability and performance? Grab a copy of the checklist on ‘Team Communication’ in my HR Resources library here.